Why The Book



Why The Book
Tegan Broadwater gives a stirring first-hand account of a deep, dark life that most of us do not even know exists. Despite the intense, life-changing storylines, the real-life picture of our current underground society, and characters Life in the Fish Bowl Tegan Broadwater Undercover Cop True Crime Bookyou learn to love, Tegan tackles this book with an alternate purpose.  “We want to salvage the lives of the parentless children left behind in these types of operations by strategically mentoring and teaching them valuable life skills, providing education and an accountability that empowers them to make the right choices. Ending the cyclical violence and incarceration within our most susceptible neighborhoods is key to moving our society forward and bringing people together.”


The Charities
Book sales and donations to date have provided over $100,000.00 in donations to charities that mentor children of incarcerated parents. Our primary charitable organization is H.O.P.E. Farm, Inc. We strongly encourage you to look into this incredibly successful program or programs like it.All profits from the sales of LIFE IN THE FISH BOWL are being donated to charities that mentor children of incarcerated and murdered parents like H.O.P.E. Farm, Inc. Help us stop this cycle.